Simple Ways to Slow Down and Relax


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Do you ever feel guilty for just lounging around, doing nothing? When was the last time you deliberately chose to do nothing?

In our world, where being constantly busy is often worn like a badge of honor, taking a step back to embrace stillness can seem almost rebellious. Our brains are always on; even when we’re getting that supposedly relaxing spa massage, we’re planning tomorrow’s to-do list. And in those rare moments of downtime, it’s all too easy to mindlessly scroll through social media or binge-watch the latest TV series.

Yet, deep down, there’s that little voice yearning for genuine breaks – moments of peace and quiet where we do absolutely nothing. And not just the ‘lying-on-the-couch-but-still-checking-emails’ kind of nothing. I’m talking about purposeful, deliberate stillness.

So, in this article, we’re not just going to talk about the importance of doing nothing; we’re going to embrace it. This is your invitation to treat yourself to what I like to call ‘meaningful nothingness.’ Let’s discover how making time to do nothing can actually be one of the most productive things you can do for yourself.

I am not against productivity; in fact, I write about productivity tips and overcoming a lack of motivation. But I believe that in order to perform my best, I need an adequate amount of rest.

It’s all about making time to recharge and hit the reset button once in a while.

Why is Doing Nothing important?

Doing nothing means taking a break to relax and recharge after a stressful day or even assigning a full day to do nothing.  So here are a few reasons why you should consider slowing down and doing nothing.

– Doing nothing offers a much-needed mental break. This downtime helps in reducing stress and anxiety, allowing your mind to rest and rejuvenate. It’s akin to hitting the reset button, giving your brain a chance to process thoughts and decompress.

– History is replete with examples of scientists, artists, and thinkers who have had their best ideas during moments of idleness. The story of Isaac Newton and the falling apple is legendary. According to popular belief, Newton was sitting under an apple tree, doing nothing in particular, when an apple fell on his head, leading him to ponder the force of gravity. The brain needs this unstructured time to generate new ideas and come up with innovative solutions.

– Paradoxically, taking time to do nothing can actually enhance productivity. When you give yourself permission to pause and relax, you’re more likely to return to your tasks with renewed energy and focus. Continuous work without breaks often leads to burnout and decreased productivity over time.

– Doing nothing can be an opportunity for introspection and self-reflection. It allows you to connect with your feelings and thoughts, leading to greater self-awareness and emotional health.

– Just as physical activity is important for health, so is physical rest. Doing nothing can mean giving your body a break, which is essential for physical recuperation and preventing exhaustion.

– Engaging in periods of doing nothing can increase your life satisfaction by allowing you to enjoy simple pleasures, live in the moment, and appreciate your surroundings. This contributes to a sense of well-being and happiness.

-Doing nothing helps cultivate patience. It teaches you to be comfortable with stillness and silence, which are essential skills for emotional regulation.

Let’s Get Started with Doing Nothing

Before you embark on your journey to master the art of doing nothing, here are some gentle reminders to set you up for success:

First off, embrace doing nothing without a shred of guilt. Many of us wrestle with feeling guilty for taking a break, but it’s crucial to shift this mindset. Understand that indulging in me-time and a slow lifestyle is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for your overall well-being.

Next, think about integrating this practice into your routine. It doesn’t have to be a whole day – it could be just a quiet hour in the morning or a peaceful evening. The key is consistency and making this practice a regular part of your life.

Also, take a digital pause. Switch off your devices to ensure you’re not distracted or tempted to check in on the digital world. This helps in creating a tranquil space where you can truly relax.

And finally, pick an activity that resonates with you for your ‘doing nothing’ time. This doesn’t contradict the concept; it’s about engaging in something simple and mindful, like enjoying a cup of tea or watching the sunset, that allows you to find stillness and presence in the moment.

Remember, doing nothing is about finding those pockets of peace in your day where you allow yourself to just be.

Simple Ways to Slow Down and Do Nothing

Many cultures around the world have been endorsing the art of not doing anything for centuries. The Roman concept of ‘otium’ was a period of time that was dedicated not to work but to activities that were considered enriching for the mind and soul, like reading, contemplating, and engaging in philosophical discussions.

Niksen is a Dutch concept for escaping the grind, which can be translated as the literal meaning of doing nothing. It’s a stress-reduction practice that emphasizes just sitting or lying down, looking at your surroundings, and allowing your mind to wander without a specific purpose.

Here are 12 ways to relax and slow down:

Cloud Watching:

Lie back in a park or your garden and watch the clouds drift by, letting your imagination wander freely. Cherish this simple, serene experience, finding romance in the natural beauty around you – a moment just for you, not for the ‘gram.

Savoring a Cup of Tea or Coffee:
Refreshing cup of tea

Brew a cup of your beloved drink, and give yourself the chance to truly relish its flavor, scent, and comforting warmth. My personal tea time in the evenings is something I deeply treasure, and I’ve realized the reason behind this affection. It’s the time when I detach from life’s stresses and immerse myself in the present, cherishing this act of self-care. Have you ever pondered how transformative a simple tea break can be for your mind?

Starry Sky Gazing:

On a clear night, take a moment to gaze at the stars, appreciating the vastness of the universe. Moments like these remind us of the infinite beauty and mystery that lies beyond our everyday world. So grateful for it.

Sunrise or Sunset Watching:

Find a comfortable spot to watch the sunrise or sunset, immersing yourself in the colors and tranquility of the moment. I have a special fondness for sunsets. There’s something about the way the sky transforms, painting colorful hues as the sun dips below the horizon, that I find utterly captivating. It’s nature’s way of reminding us to slow down.

Cozy Napping:

Allow yourself a guilt-free nap in a cozy spot without setting an alarm.

Journaling Without Purpose:

Grab a journal and begin writing without any specific plan or topic in mind. Just let the words tumble out onto the page freely. This practice is an incredible method for releasing pent-up emotions and clearing mental clutter.

As you write, you may find it’s like having a conversation with yourself, where your thoughts and feelings can unfold without judgment or restriction. Interestingly, in this process of free-flowing expression, you might stumble upon insights or answers to questions that have been lingering in your mind.

Related post: Self-reflection questions to ask yourself.

Sitting by Water:

Find a spot beside a lake, river, or the ocean, and take the time to enjoy the calming influence of the water. The presence of water has a way of washing away stress, offering a sense of renewal.

Basking in the Sun:

Sit in a sunny spot, close your eyes, and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Inspired by my cats, who are experts at finding joy in the simplest of pleasures, I’ve learned to appreciate the cozy embrace of the winter sun. Just like them, revel in the comforting, gentle heat, letting it soothe and relax you.

Gardening at a Leisurely Pace:

Engage in light gardening, like watering plants or deadheading flowers. Enjoy the simplicity of the task and the connection with nature, without any pressure to make everything look perfect.

Playing a Musical Instrument Casually:
Casually playing the piano to relax

Spend time casually playing an instrument you love, with no goal or agenda. Whether it’s strumming a guitar, playing the piano, or even a flute, let the focus be on the enjoyment of the sound and the act of playing rather than on performance or improvement.

Sketching or Doodling:

Grab a sketchpad and let your pencil wander across the page without a specific goal. This activity isn’t about creating a masterpiece but rather about the process of letting your hand move freely, creating shapes, patterns, or abstract designs. It’s a meditative process that allows your mind to wander and relax.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I discovered the calming practice of Mandala coloring. This was a straightforward yet profoundly effective activity that encouraged slowing down.

Barefoot Walking on Grass or Sand:

Take a walk barefoot on grass or sand. This simple activity, known as “earthing” or “grounding,” involves walking without shoes and feeling the natural earth under your feet. It’s believed to be grounding and calming, connecting you physically and mentally to the natural world, and is a wonderful way to relax and clear your mind.

The art of doing nothing is a form of self-love and a pillar of simple living. It allows us to disconnect, recharge, and return to our lives with renewed energy and perspective. By embracing this practice, we not only enhance our personal well-being but also enrich our relationships and our work.

Finding your unique way to do nothing can be as simple as carving out a few quiet minutes in your day or dedicating an entire day to rest and relaxation. For those seeking a deeper experience, you might consider an extended meditation retreat, such as Vipassana, which is offered globally. Whether it’s a short daily pause or a longer retreat, the key is to find what works best for you and embrace those moments of stillness.

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