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In the pursuit of life’s greatest achievements, we often tend to neglect our well-being. While planning for career goals, personal development, and nurturing relationships are vital components of our holistic development, there’s another crucial aspect that deserves our attention: self-love.

Self-love is a concept that’s gaining traction in today’s wellness conversations. However, the journey to genuinely loving oneself is often riddled with challenges and misconceptions.

It’s not a switch you can flip overnight. It’s a gradual process, much like cultivating a precious relationship. Just like any meaningful relationship, loving yourself takes time and effort.

Why is self-love important?

“As I began to love myself, I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first, I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is ‘Love of Oneself’.”

Charlie Chaplin

The quote by Charlie Chaplin beautifully encapsulates the essence of self-love and its profound importance in our lives. Let’s delve deeper into why self-love is so crucial.

1. Self-love sets the groundwork for how we interact with others. When we love and respect ourselves, we set the standard for how we expect to be treated by others.

2 . When you love yourself you prioritize your wellbeing. You start to spot the toxic stuff, be it bad relationships, junk food, or negative habits, negative thinking habits – and you eliminate it one by one.  It’s about making choices that keep you feeling balanced and positive.

3 . When we value ourselves, we are more inclined to explore our interests, pursue our passions, and take risks that foster personal development. You get to know yourself better – what you love, what you’re good at, and what makes you, well, you.

4. Loving ourselves equips us to better handle life’s ups and downs. You feel stronger and more confident, and those feelings of not being good enough don’t knock you down as easily.

5. Self-love is about finding your happy place from the inside out. It’s like being your own cheerleader who’s always there to celebrate your wins and help you learn from the losses. Sure, compliments are nice, but with self-love, you don’t need them to feel awesome.

Why set self-love goals?

When you embark on your self-love journey, setting self-love goals will help you keep track of the milestones and how far you’ve come. It’s super motivating to see your own progress, kind of like watching your fitness tracker light up when you hit 10,000 steps.

It’s all about carving out time for yourself intentionally amidst all the chaos.

Self-love shouldn’t be just an idea but an active way of showing love to yourself.

Grab a pen and paper and jot down some self-love goals. Make them part of your monthly goal list. It’s like setting up a date with yourself, and who better to hang out with, right?

Starting is all about that first intention, deciding you’re going to do it. Then, it’s showtime and putting those thoughts into action.

So, here are a few self-love goals I have set to help you in your journey to love yourself better.

Self-Love Goals:

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Self-love goals

1. Create a Personal Mantra:

Craft a personal mantra that resonates with your spirit. It’s a line that you tell yourself every day to pump up your spirits. It is like your personal cheerleader in the form of a sentence!

Creating your own self-love mantra requires you to reflect on what you need most. Are you looking for a bit more courage, some inner peace, or maybe a big scoop of self-love? Your mantra should address your deepest emotional needs and reflect your innermost aspirations.

Your mantra should resonate with you on a personal level. You can use affirmative language that speaks directly to your soul. Avoid negatives; for example, instead of saying, “I will not worry,” say, “I am at peace.”

Related post: How to Use Positive Affirmations

Just yesterday, I had this moment when I felt like I was not as smart or capable as others, especially when I was hanging out with a bunch of super-smart folks. It was really messing with my confidence.

That’s why I came up with my own mantra: “I am confident in my abilities.” It’s short, sweet, and punches right at the heart of the matter.

Placing your mantra in visible spots, such as a note on the fridge, a phone wallpaper, or a small card in your wallet, can serve as that little dose of positivity when you need it the most.

I have my mouse pad that reminds me to ‘Stop Thinking, and Start Doing!’

2. Design a Mini-Retreat:

Self-care recipes

How often do we plan a day entirely by ourselves?

Once a month, plan on picking a day just for you. It could be that perfect lazy Sunday or any day when you’re free from all those usual commitments. Mark it on your calendar as a non-negotiable date with yourself.

If you love the outdoors, consider spending the day in nature. It could be a quiet day at the beach, a peaceful hike in the woods, or a relaxing afternoon in a beautiful garden. Nature has a way of soothing the soul.

Now, if you’re the type who finds comfort in your own space, you can turn your home into a mini spa. Light some candles, put on some chill music, and treat yourself to a luxurious bath. You could even roll out the yoga mat for some gentle stretching or meditation. It’s all about making your home feel like a sanctuary.

For a little extra self-care, whip up a simple DIY face mask. You only need two ingredients! Plus, remember the old-school ‘champi’ (that’s a traditional Indian head massage with oil). It’s a gem from our mothers and grandmothers’ self-love playbook. Seriously, it’s like a mini spa session right there!

3. Learn Something New:

Make it a goal to learn a new skill that’s just for fun. Do you know how we often get caught up in the rat race, always trying to beef up our resume or LinkedIn profile?

When was the last time you learned something just because it sounded cool or fun? I can’t recall learning anything new in a long time. But I have a list of new things I want to learn. I want to learn to swim, bake, and play a musical instrument.

Then it hit me. I have learned new things recently! I figured out how to design cool stuff on Canva, started a blog, and even tried my hand at cooking new recipes. When you think about it, we’re always learning, aren’t we? Some skills for work, sure, but plenty just for the joy of it.

There’s a real sense of accomplishment in learning something new. It does act as a stressbuster, especially when you are learning in a no-pressure environment. Along with that, it is said that it rewires your brain, the neuroplasticity stuff.

Embrace the adventure of learning something new. Relish the process and all the cool benefits that come with it. Who knows what amazing skill you’ll pick up next!

4. Self-Love Jar:

I completely love this idea of a self-love jar. Each time you accomplish something or feel good about yourself, jot it down on a piece of paper and drop it in the jar.

On tougher days, these notes will act as a reminder of how awesome you are.

Regularly adding notes to your jar turns self-recognition into a habit. It encourages you to notice and acknowledge the positive aspects of your life and yourself.

So, go ahead and give it a shot. Start filling up that jar and watch as it becomes a colorful collection of all the reasons you’re just plain awesome.

5. Savor Alone Time:

Dedicate a small portion of your day to savoring alone time. It could be a morning coffee ritual, meditation, or just sitting quietly. The goal is to enjoy your own company.

Sometimes, the best way to spend alone time is to do nothing at all. Sit, daydream, and watch the world go by. It’s a luxury in our busy lives to just be without any agenda.

This ‘me time’ is super important. It’s like hitting the pause button in the middle of a chaotic day. It’s a chance to slow down and really soak in the small joys of life. We’re so used to being constantly on the go, with our brains always switched on, that taking this time to unwind can feel really refreshing.

Here’s a gentle reminder for you (and me, honestly). Let’s make time to just be.

Here are simple ways to slow down.

6. Breaking Habits That No Longer Serve You:

Make a goal to identify and break one habit that’s not benefiting you anymore.

That thing we do that we know isn’t really doing us any favors. Maybe it’s endlessly scrolling through social media, too much shopping, not having food on time, or the classic ‘yes’ syndrome where we agree to everything and everyone, even when we don’t really want to.

Breaking habits can be tricky. It’s about making a daily choice, a choice that’s all about what’s best for you. It’s part of loving yourself and being kind to your future self.

Just recognizing that habit is a huge step. Call it out!

It’s about taking small, manageable steps every day to distance yourself from this habit.

Replace the not-so-good habit with something positive. Like, instead of reaching for your phone first thing in the morning, maybe spend a few minutes stretching or jotting down what you’re grateful for.

Here are 80 Tiny Good Habits to Transform Your Life

Also related: Keystone Habits that Help You Break Bad Habits

7. Creative Expression:

spending me-time to enhance self-love

Make it a goal to engage in a form of creative expression with no judgment. It could be painting, writing, or crafting. It is about expressing your inner world.

Since I was a kid, I believed that I had poor skills in art (drawing, painting). Honestly, drawing and colouring never fascinated me as a child. I grew up with my brother, who is extremely talented in drawing.

In 2020, during the lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I challenged this belief of mine and tried my hands on painting just for fun. I loved doing it, even though my inner critic was pointing out all the flaws.

I made beautiful bookmarks and shared them with my friends and sisters as well.

It was a realization that it’s not always about the end product or being perfect. It’s about the process, the joy of creating something, and expressing yourself. Whether it’s through colors, words, or any other form of art, it’s about letting your inner world out in a tangible form.

It’s empowering to realize that you can do more than you initially gave yourself credit for. This boost in confidence is a big win for self-love.

8. Body Appreciation Exercise:

Our bodies are these incredible machines, tirelessly working day and night to keep us going, yet so often, we forget to appreciate them. It’s so easy to get caught up in the negatives, like skipping workouts, indulging in unhealthy foods, or getting down on ourselves for not looking a certain way.

Let’s start by thanking a different part of your body each day. It could be as simple as appreciating your legs for carrying you everywhere, or your hands for their ability to create and feel.

This self-love goal is a journey towards a healthier relationship with our bodies. It reminds us to take better care of ourselves. As we age, our bodies change, and there’s something profoundly beautiful about that.

Embracing these changes can be a powerful part of our self-love journey. Instead of dreading each birthday or new grey hair, what if we celebrated them as signs of wisdom, experience, and a life well-lived?

9. Know Yourself Better:

Set a goal to explore and understand yourself more deeply. This could involve personality tests, journaling your thoughts and feelings, or simply reflecting on your past experiences and what they’ve taught you.

When you take the time to explore who you are, including your quirks, strengths, and weaknesses, you learn to accept yourself more fully. This acceptance is key to self-love.

You know how we remember every tiny detail about our loved ones, like their favorite color or the name of the movie that always makes them cry? Why not do the same for yourself?

It’s fun to explore your own likes, dislikes, and everything that lights you up.

As you spend more time understanding yourself, one thing becomes really clear: We change a lot! And that’s totally okay. Our tastes change, our beliefs evolve, and the way we see the world can shift. That’s all part of growing up, of evolving.

I never thought I would be a cat mom, but here I am, parenting my two sweethearts.

So, let’s think about this: How different are you from the person you were 5 years ago? Maybe you’re braver now, more confident, or perhaps more open-minded. Reflecting on these changes helps you understand and appreciate your journey.

Here are Journal Prompts for Meaningful Self-Reflection

10. Surround Yourself with People Who Uplift You:

While self-love should primarily come from within, there’s no denying that feeling valued and understood by others contributes to our sense of self-love.

There may be people in your life, friends, family members, or colleagues who might be a bit too critical or who somehow leave you feeling drained rather than energized? It’s tough, but sometimes stepping back from those relationships can do wonders for your mental space.

I’m sure there are people in your life who are your biggest cheerleaders. People who uplift you, who always have your back, give you the needed pep talk when you are down, and people who make you believe in yourself.

So, the formula is simple, distance yourself from the people who drain you and spend more time with people who uplift you. And remember, your true friends might not always be in pep-talk mode. They’re the ones who accept you as you are, offer a helping hand or a listening ear when you need it, and stick by you through thick and thin. They’re your tribe.

Hug them and let them know how much you appreciate them.

So, we’ve talked about a bunch of self-love goals. These are little gifts that you can gift yourself. Don’t wait for another New Year or Valentine’s Day to start working on these easy-peasy goals.

So, let’s get started on this self-love journey, one step at a time!

Which self-love goal are you picking?

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