SElf-care habits to live by


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We say yes to countless things on a daily basis. But when it comes to self-care, why do we hesitate to say yes? Why is it so difficult to build habits that enhance our mental wellbeing?

We learn many ways to be productive and achieve our goals. Yet, self-care is put on the back burner.

And, it is understandable to some extent for women who are working full time, that they find it exhausting to indulge in self-care practices.

Why would someone who is already so exhausted, make an effort to do complex self-care activities?

But, what if, these self-care practices were effortless and simple? Would you say yes to it?

Before you embark on the journey of self-love, you must convince yourself that you deserve care and love from yourself.

Why do you need to say yes to Self-care?

Self-care is important for you lovely ladies to continually become the best version of yourself.

Say yes to self-care because it is an investment in your mental well-being.

Say yes to it in order to radiate confidence and positivity.

Say yes to Self-care as it is a priority, not an option.

When you don’t feel good, self-care allows you to turn that feeling around.

Allow yourself to pamper yourself in various ways every day, doesn’t have to be expensive and time-consuming.

Self-care must not just be a remedy for when you are stressed. Of course, it can help reduce stress.

But it can be a habit you cultivate to keep stress at bay, and not just wait for a stressful day or a stressful week to practice self-care.

Self-care means watering the seeds of self-love and compassion for yourself.

However, busy life may be, you owe yourself a little attention and care.

Self-care Habits to Say Yes to Everyday

You may incorporate a few or all of the habits listed. The principal secret is to be patient and take small daily steps to form precious self-care habits.

If you value self-care and practice it, do share a few of the tips to embrace self-care. Here are a few of the habits that are helpful.

1. Breathe

Of course, you’re breathing.

I know it sounds simple, but you have to take some time to relax and calm yourself down. We often take our breathing for granted.

But breathing is the first thing that gets affected when our emotions get stirred.

So, be gentle, and remember to take deep mindful breaths whenever you can.

You can practice Pranayamas also known as breathing exercises to witness a calmer mindset.

2. Find that one magical daily ritual

It is common to get lost in our daily work and spend each hour being productive.

A daily ritual that you can practice effortlessly on autopilot can be a magical habit for self-care.

A daily ritual can be relaxing and something you can look forward to each day.

It can be as simple as cooking, watching your favorite sitcom episode, watching the sunset, reading, taking your dog for a walk, watering your plants, etc.

I recently finished watching Modern Family (watching a sitcom is a daily ritual for me, at the end of the day). Watching sit-coms, cooking, and playing with my pets are my go-to daily rituals for self-care.

You must have one too, right?

3. Prepare a Self-care playlist

Music, you must agree, is a balm to one’s soul.

So, curate a playlist with all the feel-good songs, that uplift you and make you happy.

It’s not something that takes effort.

What’s your current favorite song?

4. Journal

Journalling can be a way to know yourself. It can instantly make you feel better when you put your thoughts into words.

Choose how you want to journal, and how long you want to journal. Whether you want to write about your day, or write a gratitude list or simply answer a journal prompt.

You can effectively put this into practice.

5. Be your biggest cheerleader

Make it a habit to speak kindly to yourself.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. The way you talk to yourself and about yourself will affirm your self-beliefs.

Some positive words like: “It’s okay. You got this!”, “You’ll figure it out eventually”, and “You’ve dealt with tougher situations, and you got this too” works great to calm yourself when you’re anxious.

Letting go of limiting self-beliefs is an act of self-love. Be your biggest cheerleader!!!!

You can also read about The Thinking Habits that Contribute to Stress

6. Treat yourself often

Little inexpensive treats work great to bring a smile to your face.

Who better than you to know about your lists of likes and dislikes? If you don’t then you need to explore it.

Buy yourself flowers, have your favorite ice cream, cook your favorite meal, or write a letter to yourself.

We always think of creative ways to surprise and treat our loved ones, let’s do it for ourselves often.

Fill your life with sweet little treats and enjoy. Remember to acknowledge and celebrate those small wins.

Today, I treated myself with Paani puris. How did you treat yourself today?

7. Embrace a grateful attitude

A grateful mindset changes your outlook on life.

It transforms the feeling of lack into a feeling of contentment and positivity.

Being grateful helps you appreciate all the good things in life. Meanwhile, taking action to create more reasons to be thankful.

That doesn’t mean you have to be grateful for all the difficult times in your life, but you can be grateful for the strength and courage you had to face those tough moments.

Try saying a gratitude prayer after you wake up, and before you sleep at night.

Practicing daily gratitude is an essential ingredient for self-care and happiness.

Dear readers, I intend to encourage you to make self-care a part of your everyday life.

Quit waiting for weekends or days off to practice self-care. The little effortless practices listed above can be practiced daily.

Self-care is nourishing yourself with the right dose of ingredients that’ll create a harmonious relationship with yourself and others.

It is your chance to show up for yourself.

So, don’t wait until you’re stressed or burnt out. Let’s make self-care a habit to incorporate into your life each day.

Happy Self-care!!!!!!!!!!

You can also read about many Self-care Ideas here: Self-care ideas for the weekend

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