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In this post, we’ll explore the top 10 motivation killers and arm you with strategies to conquer them.

We’ve all been there – moments when our motivation seems to evaporate, leaving us stranded in the vast desert of apathy and disinterest. Whether it’s a personal goal or a professional task, lacking motivation can be an obstacle to success.

But what causes this slump? More importantly, how do we overcome it?

Motivation is certainly a trusted companion for everyone seeking success or fulfilment of dreams. It is the driving force behind any accomplishment.

It is acknowledged that what fuels my passion and motivation might not resonate with you. Yet, there are certain common obstacles to motivation, which I will call motivation killers, responsible for crushing thousands of dreams.

When we succumb to these motivation killers, our ambitions and dreams, brimming with potential, often remain unfulfilled.

So, I intend to identify the common motivation killers and suggest actionable strategies to fight these adversaries.


One of the most insidious motivation killers is the tendency to engage in negative self-talk. Not believing in ourselves, constantly criticizing, and questioning our abilities are self-imposed barriers we create.

Words have remarkable power; they can uplift, inspire, and even become destructive. Your inner dialogue with yourself can either encourage you or demotivate you.

Simple sentences like, “I feel so lazy to do this” and “I am not smart/experienced/competent/confident/talented enough to succeed” create a demoralizing effect. It diminishes your motivation to take action.

Solution: The first step is to acknowledge the negative self-talk, the most common negative words you use. The next step is to replace those negative affirmations with positive affirmations.

Example: Replace “I’m so lazy; I should be doing more with life” with a positive affirmation like “I am constantly learning and growing at my own pace. I celebrate my progress and trust that I am on the right path for my unique journey.”

Consider reading Powerful positive affirmations and how to use them for a detailed guide.


Procrastination is the sworn enemy of productivity. It has an uncanny ability to disguise itself in the form of temporary breaks that satiate the devil of distraction. It’s the habit of delaying important tasks, often for less meaningful activities.

Procrastination isn’t just about laziness; it’s often a complex battle with our inner self. The comfort of “later” often leads to our undoing. No wonder we must shift deadlines or stress out with a massive load of piled-up work.

You may procrastinate to work out, write that article, or clean the house. Trust me, it is a significant cause of delaying action. So, beware of falling into its trap frequently. Once you recognize yourself saying ‘later’ or ‘will do it tomorrow’ to tasks that won’t take long to complete, it is a sign that you are procrastinating.

Solution: Create mini-deadlines for your work. Break your tasks into smaller manageable parts and create deadlines for each. You can also follow the Pomodoro technique, where you work for a specific time, followed by short breaks. You work for 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break.

Here’s my article on Time-wasting Habits that causes you to procrastinate.


The fear of failure is a powerful demotivator. It’s not the failure that scares us but the judgment and disappointment that might follow.

Not being confident enough to pursue something, coupled with the mind’s innate ability to magnify the chances of failure, can hinder personal and professional growth.

I remember the countless times this fear of negative ‘what ifs’ prevented me from taking risks or pursuing opportunities. But when I started my journey of personal growth, this lack of confidence and shying away from challenges due to the fear of failure was the first thing I conquered.

How do we conquer the fear of failure?

It requires a shift in mindset that doesn’t happen overnight. Requires you to rewire your thinking patterns and embrace a more positive and growth mindset.

Read uplifting books, listen to motivational podcasts, read success stories, and practise positive self-talk and implement them in how you perceive situations.


Without a destination, every road is the wrong road. So, the absence of clearly defined goals can be a motivation killer, leaving us wandering without purpose.

Clarifying your goals and vision is crucial to moving through the day, week, and year. Your life goals will require smaller goals to help you actualize the larger vision.

Do you feel like doing anything if you don’t have any goals for the day? But once you are clear about what you want and set goals, you will attract motivation to work on those goals.

How do you combat the lack of clear goals?

Setting clear, achievable goals gives our efforts direction and purpose. SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) are the compasses that guide us through the fog of uncertainty.

“I will write a comprehensive 1500-word article on time management techniques for professionals working in a remote environment. I will break down the article into sections and aim to complete at least 300 words per day, using a word count tracker to measure my progress. I will allocate dedicated time each day for writing, minimizing distractions. The article aligns with my expertise and will be completed within one week, with a final draft ready by [specific date].”

So, get started with charting goals for whatever it is that you are trying to achieve.


An excessive workload can extinguish even the brightest motivational flame. It’s not about working harder but smarter.

Balancing multiple responsibilities, I often drowned in tasks, leading to a severe lack of motivation. In fact, the failure to prioritize tasks and organize the day often left me overwhelmed with a lack of motivation and immense guilt for not getting things done.

How do you deal with it?

Prioritization is critical – understanding what needs immediate attention and what can wait.

I just want to quote James Clear from his newsletter that I read, which sums up the importance of prioritizing.

“Be ruthless about what you ignore. Time, energy, and resources are so precious. You have to be ferocious about cutting your priorities—more than you realize and certainly more than is comfortable.

You can only deeply commit to a few things. One or two? Maybe three?

Every pretty good, sorta nice, kinda fun thing you abandon is like shedding a weighted vest that lets you move at top speed. You were so busy focusing on how much you could carry, you never realized you could run this fast.”


We are often used to measuring success by the outcome, and when we can’t see any measurable progress, we feel useless, worthless and demotivated.

But progress is primarily invisible, especially in the initial days of your journey, and that’s part of the process of achieving anything. It depends on your definition of progress.

What do you do?

Overlooking our small achievements leads us to become demotivated.

So, redefining progress is crucial to acknowledging the small wins and giving a pat on your back. I am progressing as long as I show up daily to work towards my goal. Not just intending to achieve the most significant milestone but just getting started and counting each minute and hour you put in your work as progress can alleviate demotivation.


Comparing yourself to others is like entering a never-ending maze of mirrors. It distorts your reflection, making you question the authenticity of your own image.

What clicks for you might be a total misfire for someone else, and that’s the beauty of individuality. Trying to fit into someone else’s success story is like attempting to wear a tailored suit that was measured for a different body. It doesn’t quite match, and the discomfort is real.

Of course, you can be enchanted and inspired by someone else’s success story. Who does not? That’s what success stories are supposed to do.

Remember that you’re not navigating someone else’s maze; you’re using their map to sketch your own path. It’s not about imitation; it’s about innovation.

So, what do you do?

Think of it as a DIY project for life – you borrow ideas, learn from experiences, and craft a masterpiece that screams “you.”

So, here’s the mantra: You do you, and let others do them. Celebrate your victories, big or small, without casting a shadow of doubt by glancing sideways. The road to success is not a race against others; it’s a journey of self-discovery and personal triumphs.


Think of your goals like a roadmap; every temptation you give in to is like ripping a page from it. The more pages you lose, the blurrier the path to success gets. Eventually, you might find yourself lost in a thick forest of demotivation, scratching your head, wondering how you ended up there.

With its championship belt of willpower, the prefrontal cortex of the brain squares off against the impulsive pleasure-seeker, who’s throwing confetti and chanting, “Fun now!”

So, what do you do?

You could also try a productive technique called temptation bundling, combining enjoyable and less pleasurable activities. Listen to your favourite music or podcasts exclusively during your commute or workout sessions.

Next, you go full-on Marie Kondo on your temptations – declutter, declutter, declutter.

Focus mode for the phone, a farewell to gaming apps, a sweet farewell to sweets. It’s a brain boot camp to save your motivation.

Refer to my article for tips on decluttering.


Ever felt like your days were spinning out of control, leaving you at the mercy of motivation killers? I’ve been there. The culprit? A lack of routine.

The absence of a structured routine was drowning my aspirations back in 2016. Waking up with no plan and nothing to do was not what I had envisioned myself. I badly needed a shift from chaos to order.

With a structured routine, each day becomes a step forward.

What do you do?

Create a daily schedule that allocates dedicated time for work, breaks, and personal activities. This not only organizes your day but transforms it into a harmonious composition.

The morning sets the tone for the day. Experiment with rituals that kickstart your day positively. Whether it’s a calming cup of tea, a quick workout, or a moment of reflection, these rituals act as a motivational elixir, preparing you to conquer the day’s challenges.

This might help: The Right Routine for Your Wellbeing


Health is ignored when trying to decode what is killing our motivation. Our physical health directly impacts our mental and emotional well-being.

Living a sedentary lifestyle with poor hydration, insufficient sleep, and carb overload is indeed sabotaging your dreams. It’s simple:

It’s simple!!!

Get up and get moving. Be mindful of what you consume.

The powerhouse trio of good food, movement, and sleep play integral roles in fuelling your motivation.

Maintaining motivation is fraught with challenges, but it’s a journey worth taking. By identifying these motivation killers and employing strategic measures to overcome them, we can reignite the spark within us

Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory in the battle for motivation.

Recognizing and understanding these motivation killers is the first step toward overcoming them. Remember, the journey to success is not just about the destination but also about overcoming the challenges along the way.

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