
A motivation guide to help you get started

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Starting something new can feel intimidating and overwhelming. The fear of the negative what-ifs can demotivate anyone especially if you are a beginner. The right amount of motivation and discipline will play an important role in guiding you.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of your goals? Do you find yourself constantly getting lost in the chaos of life, unable to prioritize your tasks and make progress toward your dreams? If you’re nodding your head right now, then this article is for you.

Every action takes root in the mind before it can blossom into reality. But the path is not always a smooth one, you may encounter bumps on the road, remember to keep driving until you reach your destination.

Every successful person was once a beginner. Behind every accomplished individual lies a tale of starting from scratch, facing challenges, and persevering toward their aspirations. The triumphs of successful individuals across various domains reflect their determination to stay driven and overcome obstacles.

So, help me help you on your journey to accomplish your goals. Here are some motivating points that’ll keep you driven throughout the journey.

Get started:

When you envision a goal, the first step is always the hardest but the most important one. It’s natural to feel scared when you are starting something.

Whatever it is you are starting, remember that you don’t have to conquer the world in a day. Create small goals and celebrate as you tick off those goals.

If you have to reach somewhere, the first thing you have to do is start. Don’t miss out on opportunities and waste time trying to make conditions perfect to start. You will learn along the way.

When I began my Ph.D. journey, I was clearly overwhelmed by the amount of work that needed to be done. So, I convinced myself to get started with one article at a time. My work has progressed and is still progressing.

The formula is to get started by taking small steps. So, initially, it’s advisable to avoid setting big unachievable goals, but instead, break them into small reachable goals.

Be prepared for setbacks:

I know this may sound discouraging but it’s real that the height you want to reach will not be reached in the first step. You have to brace yourself for any setbacks.

You have to accept the capacity for zero in the initial days. There’ll be days when you may see 0 progress. It’s okay to be disheartened, but do not move your eye off the goal.

Get motivation out of the acceptance that you may not see progress in the beginning, but make sure to keep going.

Don’t be too hard on yourself when things don’t go as planned. Instead, learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.

I came across a quote by Thomas Edison which is immensely motivating.

“If I find 10,000 ways something won’t work. I haven’t failed. I’m not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.”

Be like that stubborn child who doesn’t give up unless he/she solves that puzzle.

Prepare to get out of your comfort zone:

When you plan on achieving something, you must be prepared for changes in your life.

This means you will be a little uncomfortable in the beginning, and that’s hard, right? The sore body on the first day of a workout, replacing your binge-watching time with writing time are all hard.

But you get to decide whether you want to keep going comfortably or accept little discomfort only to have a big positive impact on your life.

To be motivated while getting uncomfortable isn’t easy. Help yourself to work on your mindset to let motivation and discomfort go hand in hand.

Remind yourself of the great possibilities each time you decide to get out of your comfort zone. If you feel you are lazy to go out for a walk, just look at it in a different way; remind yourself of the opportunities for new experiences once you step out to go for a walk.

Once you’ve taken that first step out of that comfort zone, this can create momentum and further motivate you to keep moving.

You can follow a few actionable steps to stay on track and be motivated most of the time.

1. Create a routine

Routine gives structure to your day. You’re likely to feel lost without it.

Whatever you hope to achieve, fit it within your daily routine. When you are following a routine, you have an idea of what you have to do.

Whereas, not knowing what to do can keep you demotivated. So, let me say you’ve created a workout routine, and your mind prepares itself for the workout beforehand.

When you are mentally prepared, taking action becomes easier.  

I’ve compared my days when I followed a routine and when I didn’t follow one. I’m primarily directionless about what to do and when to do when I don’t follow a routine.

But I get things done on days when I am following a routine, and that is a remarkably satisfying feeling.

So, if you feel unmotivated and feel like days are just passing by, introduce structure to your days. To make things easier, you can divide the entire day into parts and create a simple morning routine and a mindful night routine.

Every organization functions with a routine. So, if you are genuinely serious about achieving your goals, start with a routine.

Consider reading The Right Routine for Your Wellbeing to help you create a balanced daily routine.

2. Surround yourself with people who have similar goals

I have observed that people can be highly motivated by watching others succeed. It’s a powerful reminder that anything is possible with hard work and determination.

For example, imagine walking into a gym and seeing people sweating and pushing themselves to the limit. Their dedication can be contagious and inspire you to work towards your fitness goals.

Or, imagine being part of a group of scholars discussing their research. The sense of support can be incredibly motivating, reminding you that you’re not alone in your pursuit of knowledge and excellence.

Seeing someone else working hard towards a goal can be a powerful motivator. Being surrounded by people who are striving towards similar goals can create a sense of community and encourage you to keep going.

Of course, it’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and comparison can sometimes be counterproductive.

Instead, use others’ success as inspiration to pursue your own path, knowing that anything is possible if you work hard and stay focused.

Surrounding yourself with supportive people can also be a powerful motivator. Seek out individuals who will encourage and challenge you, and avoid those who hold you back or discourage you.

3. Feed your mind with positivity

Positivity can be a powerful source of motivation. When we approach our goals and challenges with a positive mindset, we are more likely to feel energized and motivated to take action.

In our everyday lives, it can be challenging to maintain a positive outlook when surrounded by media that offer negativity.

Staying motivated in your journey becomes easier when you have a positive attitude.

Make it a habit to consciously choose what you consume. If you feed your mind constantly with all the problems of the world, you’re likely to feel disappointed.

Positive content can include reading inspiring books, listening to podcasts about growth and self-improvement, reading uplifting newsletters, or your curated list of inspiring music.

Here are 12 Podcast Recommendations.

By immersing ourselves in positive media, we can train our minds to focus on the good in the world.

To add a little positivity to your life, I write and share quotes through my Instagram handle named Siddhiblogs.

On the initial days, when you lack the discipline to work for your goals, you can rely on feeding positive content to your mind to motivate yourself.

4. Simplify

Theoretically, you can imagine yourself working with immense dedication to achieve something. And you may also commit to it.

But bringing that rosy vision to practice is a lot harder. It requires you to take action in reality.

When you are a beginner at something, you wouldn’t want to be intimidated by the complexity of any task that would make you give up and run away.

So, as long as you are in control of setting the goals and planning the action, make it simple and practical.

For example, you may be struggling to work out. You know it’s essential to work towards your physical fitness, but you make excuses and delay it until you schedule it for tomorrow, which never really comes.

Crossing the finish line is something that people struggle with; they either start and leave midway or just don’t start at all.

To make it easy, why don’t you schedule a fixed time daily for a workout, starting with just 10 minutes. Also, if you’re a beginner, many apps can simplify it for you.

You may also keep your workout clothes ready to quickly grab them. Try as much as you can to make things easy.

Learning to filter out the non-essentials from the essentials can save you from feeling drained.

So, make space for simplicity and get things done.

5. Take breaks

We often ignore the need for breaks when breaks are necessary to keep the motivation.

I am not talking about a long break when you forget what you are working on.

Short breaks can help you feel energized and motivated. That depends on how you utilize your break time.

We owe ourselves the time to relax and recharge. Taking breaks doesn’t hinder your growth. But not coming back after the break will surely hinder your success.

So, consider taking breaks as a part of your growth.

So, here’s an article dedicated to The Art of Doing Nothing. Consider reading for ideas about slowing down and relaxing and recharging.

Lastly, I want to remind my readers that growth takes time and it’s not easy. It needs effort and consistency.

What’s most important is how honest you are with yourself. Do it for you.

You’re right if you believe you can, even though it may take effort.

Do not let a lack of motivation be an excuse to return to old, unhealthy patterns. Change takes time, but it’s worth it.

Keep going!!!! You got this!!!!

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