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Focused work
How to Stay Focused While Studying
If you’ve sat down to study and suddenly found yourself checking your phone every few minutes, and staring into space and suddenly remembering a hundred things to do, you’re not alone....
What to Do When You're Feeling Disappointed
Feeling disappointed is universal and inevitable. It happens when things don’t go as planned, when our effort doesn’t pay off. Maybe you hoped for a job. Or maybe you got the job, but...
Spend Time Intentionally: Tips for Intentional Time Use
Have you spent hours being busy doing the unimportant things on your to-do lists? I used to think productivity was about how many tasks I could tick off that to-do list. I realized...
100 Things to Let Go of to Transform Your Life
As the New Year begins, I’ve embraced the practice of letting go which is a conscious decision to release what I can’t control and create space for peace, clarity, and joy. Too often,...
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