Pursue Goals


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January is coming to an end. Well, for most of us, 2023 began with setting new goals and resolutions for the year.

Maybe, it’s the magic of new beginnings that lures us to set goals. People are likely to look forward to the new year in anticipation of making it better. But as months pass by, many resolutions are forgotten and we wait for the next year to start afresh.

I entered the New Year with hopeful anticipation of making the most of the year. I had planned to publish my first article in the 1st week of January. But it took longer than that as I am completely new to blogging.

Instead of ruminating about not achieving my first goal of the year, I accepted it.

I published my first article on the 20th of January. I reminded myself that it’s okay to go slow. As slow progress is still progress.

So, I decided that my next article will be on how resolutions or goals can be achieved. I don’t intend to give a step-by-step process for making a resolution work. I want to share what has worked for me and it is simply strategies you can keep in mind while pursuing a goal.

Whether you want to start a business, get admission to a top college, crack that exam you have been trying to, write a book, maintain a healthy lifestyle, or any other goals. Believe me, the following suggestions will really be helpful.

1. Mindset Shift

Any new goal will require you to adopt some new habits and discard a few habits. This means changes in daily life. Remember that change can be uncomfortable and seem unrewarding at first.

You ought to be ready to make changes in your life to adapt to the new goals you have listed. So, before you move on to work for your goals, start by working on your mindset. Sometimes it’s our own thoughts that limit us.

Goals might seem like a burden and are likely to be dropped sooner if you aren’t mentally prepared.

How many times have you dropped out of your goals? How many times have you delayed a goal, saying you’re not prepared? Well, I have dropped out multiple times. It was because of plainly setting goals without being ready to go through the process.

My mindset wasn’t aligned with the goals.

So, if your mindset contradicts your goal, actions seem much more complicated than it actually is. So, here is some mindset shifts you can adopt.

“I am ready to take action.”

“I make progress one step at a time.”

“I am responsible for my goals.”

“I have achieved harder goals in the past”.

“I am open to new opportunities.”

You’ll likely feel motivated and responsible for your goals when you replace the not-so-helpful self-talk with the above positive affirmations.

Here’s a guide on how to use Positive Affirmations.

2. Break your goals into smaller goals

The enthusiasm for the New Year and the outcomes of the goals can be overwhelming if you set the bar too high. Anything new can be uncomfortable if you aim for the most giant leap right in the beginning.

 So, start small. Making serious attempts right in the beginning can leave you exhausted and discouraged. If you haven’t exercised for many months and you want to start exercising for 1 hour daily, you might find the goal unreachable. You could begin by devoting 10 minutes to workouts three to four times a week. Slowly, you can increase the time based on your potential.

So break your goals into small steps. Don’t be concerned about the rest of the year; just focus on the day you have in hand.

Taking small steps has really helped me, and I have adopted this as the Theme of the Year. I use this method in almost every task I do. So, starting small will eventually give you bigger results.

3. Prioritise

In this age of information, we are surrounded by loads of content. Every errand, every task, every meeting, and every book may seem necessary. Juggling so many things may become difficult and may drain you.

I sometimes feel guilty when I don’t complete the tasks for the day. Many times, the reason is that I set up too many tasks, and when I don’t complete them, there is a feeling of not doing enough. I also start thinking of the next while doing what I am doing. So, this really affected my efficiency and focus.

Prioritizing helped me to function in an organized manner and focus on the essential tasks first. I save myself from the guilt of not doing enough. This is a simple yet effective strategy to adopt for your goals.

So, help yourself carve some time for your new goals. Determine where it stands in your list of priorities and act accordingly.

4. Accept Disruptions

As much as we want to control each day, many unwanted circumstances may arise. At such times, it’s expected to be interrupted, deviate from your goals, and address the concern that has arisen. Personal or professional matters could arise that are unavoidable.  

You could be sick, there might be days when you experience burnout, you might want to spend more time with your family, you may plan a trip, or some other matters. Such situations are likely to derail you from the track. The challenge is to come back on track and continue. It’s common for us to lose our focus once we lose track. Then, we put the blame on the situation.

So, accept that unforeseen circumstances will arise. Consider your interruptions as breaks. Give your best to fulfil your obligations. Come back, recharged and continue.

Interruptions are not obstacles. Staying interrupted is an obstacle.

Be prepared for the unplanned and enjoy the ride.

It’s okay to pause.

It’s okay to take breaks.

Consider reading How to Handle Unproductive Days.

5. Take Care Of Yourself

Your goals are just a part of your life. Many other areas of your life may need your attention. Some days, you may feel like your goals are worthless and want to stay in bed all day. Remember that these are signs that you’re pushing too hard. Accept it, and take care of yourself. Your state of mind will indeed affect your actions and outcome.

It’s crucial to find time to take care of yourself. Keep an hour or two for leisure. Watch a movie, go for walks, cuddle with your pet, dance, and sing aloud.

Always have time for things that release your happy hormones. My cats Lili and Lalu are my daily dose of dopamine. Find out yours.

6. Seek Help

When you are starting something new, you may be motivated and have your ‘why’ figured out, but you may feel daunted by what you need to do. Remember that you can always reach out and seek help.

Having guidance helps you figure out the how and will also keep you motivated. People who are experienced will enlighten you with their knowledge and make you feel that you are not alone. 

If you don’t always have access to an experienced person who can help you, you can always find many instructive videos and guidelines for everything you want to do on the internet. An online course or hiring an instructor will be helpful.

In 2019, when I first thought of starting a blog, I took an online course on blogging, but I soon lost track. At that time, I was daunted by the complexities of using WordPress.

Also, meeting a fellow blogger and knowing about her blogging journey inspired me to begin my own.

I hope this article helps you to keep track of your goals. You can always depend on yourself for a nudge when you’re going off track.

Thank You!!

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