20 monthly goal ideas


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Monthly goals are a great way to start a month. It helps you to re-orient your mindset for the upcoming month. Well, you should never miss a chance to work on your personal growth. And goals are a way to keep track of your personal development.

When you already have a lot of things going on, you may wonder why would there be a need for monthly goals. Well, this is exactly why you need extra monthly goals.

Why should you have monthly goals?

Life will become tedious when you are doing the same tasks every day. You will reach a point when you question everything that you do. Setting monthly goals may help you focus on new goals that are exciting and will also contribute to your well-being.

Setting goals will give you a sense of accountability. Beginning a month with a set of goals will set a tone for the month. You know what needs to be done, and you know why it needs to be done. So, it creates a path for conscious actions and saves you from feeling lost despite your efforts juggling several tasks a day.

I’ve had months without goals and feeling like I do nothing and I’m not making any progress. But, when I sat down to reflect on what I actually did, I was surprised to learn that there were numerous things I had done. I had tried a new recipe, I had spent time with family, I had taken my pets to the vet and many more, I finished reading a few articles.

So, I have begun with the goal of setting monthly goals for myself. It needn’t have to be big goals. Just small goals that are aligned with my bigger goals and goals that will make my life interesting.

You don’t have to force yourself. Set goals that you are ready to commit to.

How to set monthly goals?

Start by reviewing the past month. You’ll get an idea about which areas of your life you need to work on. It can be maintaining your finances, obtaining a healthy lifestyle, or better time management.

Once you have identified the specific areas you want to improve in the upcoming month, you can begin by setting goals that are SMART i.e., Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.

Avoid getting confused between aspirations and goals. Goals require action, whereas aspirations are what you want to be or what you want in life in general. I want to be healthy is not a goal but an aspiration, but the steps you’re going to take to be healthy can be considered a goal.

Make your goals enjoyable. If you are already engaged in so much serious work, you require a lighter and more enjoyable goal. So, set goals that you will enjoy and at the same time will contribute to your well-being.

Create an action plan and get started. Start by taking the first step. If you want to read a specific book, start with the first page and be consistent.

20 Monthly goal Ideas

If you are confused about what goals to begin with, consider the following ideas for your monthly goals. You can customize your goals according to what works for you.

There is no need to adopt all the 20 goals, it may leave you overwhelmed by the end of the month. So, you can pick 3 to 4 goals and follow them religiously. The first three ideas are the goals I’d be pursuing this month. So, let’s begin.

1) Read a book.

To be more specific you can mention the name of the book you want to read. For me, I will be reading Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom this month. Many well-known coaches have recommended reading this book. It has been lying on my shelf for more than a year. I was merely procrastinating and my habit of reading non-academic books has reduced since I joined my Ph.D. But this month I intend to read Tuesdays with Morrie.

2) Eat more fruits and vegetables.

This is the second goal for this month and I want to continue with it for the rest of my life. I shall start planning my meal for the next day and add more fruits and veggies to my diet. Fruits and vegetables are a good source of nutrients and necessary to stay healthy. Last month, I began to reduce ordering food online to just once a week. This month I will focus on cooking a balanced meal with vegetables and including fruits on a daily basis.

3) Enrol in a course and finish it.

Last month, I struggled with time management. So, I have registered for an online course “Take Charge of your Time” by Ankur Warikoo. I haven’t begun with the course, but I am looking forward to being a better manager of my time.

There are several online platforms where you can enroll for a course that will surely have a positive impact on your life.

4) Declutter your space

A cluttered space can affect your state of mind. Decluttering is an amazing practice that will help you organize your house as well as make you feel good about it. This month you can take a step to look around you to discard everything that’s unwanted, unused, and unnecessary. Decluttering is an act of self-care. Make a plan and start by decluttering one space at a time. It is a liberating experience as you are intentionally taking steps to prioritize what truly matters.

Here’s a guide to: Decluttering and Getting Organized

5) Try a new recipe each week

Trying a new recipe can be fun and a creative experience. There is always so much to learn from the world of cooking. If you like to cook or are learning to cook, learn some new recipes and put on your creative hat to produce some delicious plate of meals that will satisfy your soul. You might as well invite your friends or family over to enjoy the food together.

Over the years, I’ve developed an interest in cooking and have gradually improved my skills. Not that I cook fancy meals, it is just simple home-cooked meals. However, I try to incorporate techniques and recipes learned from my elders as I live away from home and miss meals prepared by them.

6) Contribute to a cause

Giving is one of the forms of loving. A small act of kindness can mean so much to someone who needs it dearly. Contribution does not always have to be financial. You can volunteer for a cause, participate in blood donation camps, and as simply as listening to others. Spread some love and kindness by contributing whatever you can to people in need of it.

7) Keep track of your expenses

This month you can be mindful of your expenditure. It’s easy to lose track of our expenses especially when we make small purchases that may seem insignificant but will finally make you wonder where your money has gone. So, you can make a financial goal to start keeping track of your expenses.

List all the expenditures and categorize them into groceries, leisure, work, etc. By the end of the month, you will see the amount you’ve spent on different items. This will certainly help you identify what you can cut back and help you save money from unnecessary purchases. It will definitely be a rewarding experience.

8) Listen to a podcast every day

Podcasts offer valuable knowledge and insight about numerous topics of interest. There are countless podcast hosts creating amazing content in a wide variety of genres. Just a single episode of your favorite podcast can help you expand your knowledge without having to put in a lot of effort.

I prefer listening to podcasts while doing my chores. It makes me look forward to the task and enjoy it. Why not utilize this resource to add information, and wisdom to your lives.

I have curated a list of Motivational Podcasts here.

9) Explore a new town or place

There must be a place that you have wanted to visit. It may be a lake or a market, a village, or any resort. So, you can plan a getaway to explore it and make your pending visit a reality.

10) Reconnect with your friends

Adulting may have left you with little time to spend with your friends. Well, you can plan to reconnect with them this month. Conversations with friends are a gateway to reliving those happy, embarrassing, and funny moments of the past. You owe yourself some time to reconnect with the important people in your life.

11) Exercise for 30 minutes a day, three days a week

Exercising and staying healthy are the most pursued goals. Yet, it’s not difficult to sway from the habit. The idea is to start small. You can assign 30 minutes a day for 3 days a week. Make it a point to show up these 3 days. You may not get abs or lose much weight but at least you committed to your goals. Results will start showing based on your consistency.

12) Start a skincare routine

Taking care of yourself is an act of self-love. Skin is the largest organ in the body which remains exposed to pollution and heat. Many of you must already have a skincare routine. It needn’t be expensive and lengthy, just a few basic steps intentionally taken will give you a chance to protect your skin. Some natural skincare steps with easily available ingredients in your pantry will make it more affordable.

13) Set daily limits for social media use

Excess consumption of content on social media platforms is a problem that often gets ignored. Taking responsibility for the self and cutting back on usage will make you feel you have more time for so many other stuff.

How much time do you spend scrolling mindlessly? You know you have to stop scrolling but the curiosity about what’s next will keep you hooked on it.

Take an intentional decision and set limits for your social media use. You can have a ‘No Social Media’ day once or twice a week. Or, you can fix a time at which you will browse your feed. Take steps to set daily limits for better productivity and well-being.

Consider reading: Time-wasting habits that cause delay.

14) Plan a fun day out with your family

We get so busy working on our priorities that sometimes we take for granted people in our lives who mean so much to us. You and your family deserve time together. Consider planning a fun day out with your family.

15) Set your alarm 30 minutes earlier than your usual time

This goal has been a challenge for me. Yet I’m proud that last month my body has adapted to waking up an hour earlier than it usually does. So, don’t wait for another month or another year to start waking early. Just do it.

16) Go for walks by yourself

Spend time with yourself. Go for a walk alone and enjoy every step you take. You can assign a day each week or a time each day to go for a leisurely stroll. It certainly will help you regain clarity and freshness.

It is the easiest way to add some self-care into your daily routine.

Also read: Unique Self-Care Ideas from Around the World

17) Feed the street animals

Feeding the street animals is a kind and selfless act. If you are an animal lover or not, you may want to spare a few minutes of your day to feed the street dogs and cats. The pleasure that you get seeing them satiate their hunger is immeasurable.

In 2022, I adopted two kittens from the street and nursed them. Now, they’ve grown up to be healthy cats. They give me more than I have given them.

You need not adopt, a simple gesture of feeding them can also be your month’s goal.

18) Drink at least 8 cups of water

Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!

Make it a goal to keep yourself hydrated. Period.

19) Learn something new

Learning something new rewires your brain, this is called neuroplasticity. It may require some amount of effort initially, but with practice, it will become effortless. It’s like typing on a QWERTY keyboard. Initially, you fix your gaze and look for the alphabet but as you keep typing and practicing, your fingers don’t need extra effort from your side, it just moves organically. So, you can begin learning anything that interests you.

20) Go for a routine health check-up

Schedule a day for a routine health check-up. If you have minor health-related issues, you shouldn’t wait for bigger signs; instead, schedule a health check-up.

Jump into the month with excitement with pre-set goals. Many of the ideas on the list are likely a part of your routine. Maybe you work out daily or walk alone, but it remains unacknowledged. Setting goals will give you a sense of accountability and a chance to give a pat on your back.

Now that you have a list to pick from, create an action plan and get started. Hope you acknowledge the vibrancy of your life.

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1 thought on “20 MONTHLY GOAL IDEAS”

  1. Really very informative.
    Looking forward to implement the learnings from this wonderfully curated piece!

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